by Sibylle Meso | Aug 22, 2022 | indonesia version, Sewa Kantor
Office suites for business in Jakarta are a common requirement to jumpstart a company’s operation in the capital city. It is because most companies find it easier to solve a common problem through face-to-face discussions. However, due to the pandemic, more companies... by Sibylle Meso | Aug 18, 2022 | english version
Office for foreign companies in Indonesia has various alternatives. For instance, there is a physical office, a business address rental with supporting facilities, and a sharing office. Any options may suit the company depending on its type of operations. If the... by Sibylle Meso | Aug 15, 2022 | Bisnis, indonesia version
Manfaat PT Perorangan dapat dirasakan pengusaha yang baru akan memulai usaha barunya. Pasalnya beberapa tahun yang silam PT Perorangan belum disahkan oleh pemerintah. Untuk mendirikan perusahaan diperlukan minimal dua orang pemegang saham. Dari dua pemegang saham... by Sibylle Meso | Aug 11, 2022 | english version
Tax in Indonesia can be unfamiliar ground for foreign entrepreneurs starting a business in Indonesia. It is well known that a tax system in a country relates to the company establishment and regulation system. The same case applies to Indonesia. The 270 million... by Sibylle Meso | Aug 8, 2022 | Bisnis, indonesia version
Usaha PMA di Indonesia akan sangat terbantu bila informasi mengenai kepemilikan pemegang saham asing dapat diketahui. Pasalnya tidak semua bidang usaha terbuka bagi perusahaan bermodal asing. Ada beberapa bidang usaha yang hanya terbatas untuk perusahaan lokal. Alasan...