by Fitri Cahya | Nov 14, 2023 | Pembuatan PT, PMA
Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) adalah kegiatan menanam modal untuk melakukan usaha di wilayflorida state football jersey custom made football jerseys 49ers jersey asu jersey custom football jerseys asu jersey ohio state jersey Ohio State Team Jersey florida state...
by Fitri Cahya | Oct 16, 2023 | Bisnis, english version, Pembuatan PT, PMA
Currently, the Government has officially revised the Negative Investment List (DNI) which is part of the 16th Economic Policy Package. This policy allows as many as 54 business sectors to receive Foreign Investment (PMA) with 100 percent capital ownership. According...
by Fitri Cahya | Oct 9, 2023 | Bisnis, Pembuatan PT
Dalam proses pendirian Perusahaan Terbatas (PT) di Indonesia, ada banyak faktor yang harus diperhatikan untuk memastikan segala sesuatunya berjalan lancar dan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Salah satu hal yang sangat penting adalah menyesuaikan KBLI...
by Fitri Cahya | Jul 17, 2023 | Bisnis, Pembuatan PT, PMA
Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) telah menjadi faktor penting dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan menjelaskan secara mendalam tentang PMA, termasuk definisinya, prosesnya, manfaatnya, serta bagaimana PMA berkontribusi terhadap... by admin | Jul 30, 2021 | Bisnis
To start a foreign business in Jakarta is perhaps one of the popular choices for companies to expand their market reach. This is especially true for businesses that initially operates in a developed country. By bringing their technology and knowledge, there are a lot...