by Fitri Cahya | Jul 25, 2024 | Serviced Office, Sewa Kantor
Data merupakan aset yang sangat berharga bagi setiap perusahaan. Data perusahaan dapat meliputi data karyawan, laporan pembukuan administratif, keuangan dan arsip perusahaan lainnya. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan ruang penyimpanan yang memadai untuk menyimpan arsip atau...
by Fitri Cahya | Dec 27, 2023 | english version, Sewa Kantor
West Jakarta, as one of the major cities in Indonesia, serves as a crucial business and trade center in the country. Situated to the west of Jakarta, MESO Indonesia offers office rentals for various types of businesses and organizations. By selecting the right office...
by Fitri Cahya | Nov 8, 2023 | Sewa Kantor
Kantor merupakan aspek penting yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap perusahaan yang memiliki fungsi sebagai penyimpan data, melindungi aset, menerima informasi dan memberikan informasi. Memiliki kantor yang tepat dapat meningkatkan produktivitas pekerjanya, mempermudah... by admin | Aug 17, 2021 | Sewa Kantor, Virtual Office
To start a business in Indonesia requires a lot of preparation to be made. Before engaging a company setup service, entrepreneurs must determine the kind of business they want to do. Entrepreneurs cannot change their decision about the business model after the company... by admin | Aug 16, 2021 | Bisnis, Sewa Kantor, Virtual Office
The kind of office that you need depends on the entrepreneur and the business. Some entrepreneur prefers to work mobile while some other don’t. Then again, it also depends if the nature of the company allows the entrepreneur to work remotely. For instance, if the...